Tag galera

Troubleshooting open_files_limit in MariaDB

It may happen in the MariaDB logs that you see failures to set open_files_limit: 160318 21:48:04 [Warning] option 'open_files_limit': unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295 160318 21:48:04 [Warning] option 'open_files_limit': unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295 160318 21:48:04 [Warning] Could not increase number of …

Galera boot process in Open Stack HA and manual override

Deployments of OpenStack that rely on MariaDB+Galera benefit from a HA database thanks to Galera's synchronous replication. In such deployments, the Galera cluster is typically managed via Pacemaker, by means of a galera resource agent. While Galera itself has its own notion of cluster management (membership, health check, write-set …