Mon 21 September 2020

Connecting to MariaDB with auth_ed25519 and PyMySQL


When a MySQL client wants to connect to a MySQL or MariaDB server, the MySQL wire protocol specifies how both parties should exchange data, advertise their capabilities, and which authentication method they should use for the client to get connected. By default, this authentication is a challenge-response scheme that relies on SHA-1. But starting MariaDB 10.1.22, a new cryptographic-based authentication mechanism called auth_ed25519 can be used for improved security at connection time, and PyMySQL recently added support for it.

MySQL server authentication

MySQL and MariaDB allow a variety of authentication methods: PAM-based, SHA-1 hashed challenges, SHA-256 challenges over RSA encryption... The default authentication since MySQL 4.1 and probably still the most used nowadays is called mysql_native_password. It's a simple yet clever authentication scheme, because the server never stores the user's password directly in the database, nor does it exchange it over the wire. Instead, the server only stores an indirect hash of the original password:

$$ \text{SHA-1}(\text{SHA-1}(\text{password}))) $$

To authenticate a client, the server concatenate a random scramble to that information, hashes the result with SHA-1, and sends it as a challenge to the client. As a response, the client must XOR this challenge with a SHA-1 hash of its password:

$$ \text{SHA-1}(\text{scramble} \parallel \text{SHA-1}(\text{SHA-1}(\text{password}))) \oplus \text{SHA-1}(\text{password}) $$

The XOR function being its own inverse, the server can now XOR the client's response with the original challenge to retrieve \(\text{SHA-1}(\text{password})\). It then hashes that result with SHA-1 a last time and compares it with the digest stored in the DB to validate the authentication.

The fact that the server only stores a double-SHA-1 digest helps mitigate the risk of recovering a password from the DB if it is compromised, but this is not perfect either. SHA-1 itself is considered insecure nowadays, so new authentication plugins have been developed.

More secure authentication

MySQL has developed an improved authentication plugin called sha256_password (and its variant caching_sha2_password). That plugin stores a \(\text{SHA-256}(\text{password})\) digest in the DB, and relies on an RSA key pair to encrypt data exchanged during the authentication. When a client wants to authenticate, it receives a random scramble from the server, XORs the password with it, and encrypts the result with the server's public key. When the server receives the response, it uses its private key to decrypt it, XORs the decrypted response, hashes the result with SHA-256, and compares it with the hashed credentials in the DB to validate the authentication.

The new sha256_password improves over mysql_native_password since it no longer uses SHA-1, but it comes with the major inconvenience that one must manage the public key's life cycle (deployment, renewal...), so this authentication can sometimes become tedious or impractical to use.

MariaDB took a different approach with auth_ed25519. its challenge-response consists in signing a random scramble with a cryptographic function. It is based on Ed25519, a type of Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) that uses SHA-512 and the Curve25519 twisted Edwards curve. This is a fast and secure cryptographic signature. But most importantly, auth_ed25519 doesn't need to distribute keys to clients, so it's much more convenient and practical than sha256_password.

Ed25519 and Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a type of public-key cryptography that relies on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields.

Specifically, Ed25519 operates on the points of a twisted Edwards curve, a 2D curve whose point coordinates belong the ring of integers modulo \(2^{255-19}\). There is an special addition law for points: adding two points on the curve is a computation that always yields a new point on the curve. There exists a cyclic subgroup of \(l\) points, \(l\) being a large prime number (\(2^{252}\) + something). In this subgroup, Ed25519 defines a base point \(B\), of order \(l\); that means, adding \(B\) to itself \(l\) times will give back \(B\). Lastly, adding a curve point to itself numerous times is called a scalar multiplication:

$$ s.B = \underbrace{B + B + B + \ldots + B}_{s~\text{times}} = C $$

Now that the maths are laid out, here is what the Ed25519 signature scheme looks like:

  • A private key \(s\) is a 32 bytes buffer of uniformly random data.

  • A public key \(A\) is a point on the Edwards curve.

  • A point on the Edwards curve is encoded as a 32 bytes buffer.

Signing a message \(M\) with a public key \(A\), returns a curve point \(R\) and a 32 bytes number \(S\). A signature is legitimate if it verifies the following equality:

$$ S.B = R + \text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M).A $$

where the dot is the scalar multiplication, the plus is the point addition, and the double pipe is the buffer concatenation.

\(A\), \(R\) and \(S\) are the public information derived from the corresponding private key \(k\). Given \(\text{SHA-512}(k)\), the first half \(s\) is clamped and produces \(A = s.B\). The last half \(t\) is hashed with the message, and the resulting value \(r = \text{SHA-512}( t \parallel M )\) produces \(R = r.B\). Number \(S\) is computed using modular arithmetic and equals \(r + (\text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M) \times s)\) modulo \(l\). With a bit of math reshuffling, you can see that the neat thing about these definitions is that they satisfy the equality from above, and yet all that is needed to verify a signature comes from public information only:

\begin{alignat}{1} S.B &= (r &+~ (&\text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M) \times s)).B \\ &= r.B &+~ (&\text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M) \times s).B \\ &= r.B &+~ &\text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M).s.B \\ &= R &+~ &\text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M).A \end{alignat}

There are two public reference implementations of Ed25519. One is a simple and excruciatingly slow Python version, to get familiar with the mathematics. The production-ready implementations use C and assembler. They are very fast and designed to be secure (e.g. immune to timing attacks).

All the Ed25519 libraries currently available are based on the reference implementation, and they more or less provide the same API: creating a signing key pair, signing a message with a public key, and verifying that a message signature is legitimate. One well known C library that supports Ed25519 is libsodium. In our case, the Python-equivalent is PyNaCl, a Python-binding of libsodium.

How MariaDB takes advantage of Ed25519

Ed25519 ticks all the previous boxes for a secure authentication plugin: it only stores a digest in the DB, and it replaces SHA-1 with modern cryptographic functions. It's based on the reference ed25519 implementation, and it uses the signature scheme like this:

  • The user's password is the private key \(k\), and it's only known by the client.

  • The MariaDB server only stores the public key \(A\), which as we saw earlier is a curve point derived from the first half of \(\text{SHA-512}(k)\).

  • When a client wants to authenticate, it gets a random message \(M\) as a challenge, signs it with its private key \(k\), and returns the signature pair \(R\) and \(S\) to the server.

  • The server then computes \(R + \text{SHA-512}( R \parallel A \parallel M ).A\) and authenticates the user if the result matches the digest stored in the DB.

This is clever, and also simple from a client's perspective! Well, it would be if it wasn't for a small but important detail... Can you see how it differs from the Ed25519 specification previously described? That's right, the private key is no longer a 32 bytes buffer of uniformly random data, it's now an arbitrary size, non-random password. At the very least, this makes all existing Ed25519 python implementations useless, because their API forbids any private key which is not 32 bytes long... Likewise, we can't rely on MariaDB itself, because the authentication API is not exported in a standalone library that could be reused by a MySQL client such as PyMySQL.

Implementing auth_ed25519 in PyMySQL

So how to add support for auth_ed25519 in PyMySQL? Since it has a peculiar definition of private keys, we can't reuse existing Ed25519 API. But we could re-implement the Ed25519 signature scheme with different private keys if we could do big integer modulo arithmetic and Edwards-curve arithmetic... Luckily for python clients, libsodium 1.0.18 started to expose a new low-level API for finite field arithmetic and point-scalar multiplication, which is exactly what it uses internally to implement the Ed25519 signature scheme. PyNaCl 1.4.0 provides the necessary bindings to these new API.

Now let's say you configured a DB user to require auth_ed25519 authentication, and you run a PyMySQL client to connect to MariaDB. When PyMySQL initiates the connection, it will receive a challenge from the server as well as an indication that it must be processed with the auth_ed25519 plugin. And since we have the low-level arithmetic API at our disposal, we can just implement the expected signature scheme with a couple of calls:

def ed25519_password(password, scramble):
    h = hashlib.sha512(password).digest()

    # R = r.B
    r = hashlib.sha512(h[32:] + scramble).digest()
    r = nacl.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(r)
    R = nacl.crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(r)

    # A = s.B
    s = scalar_clamp(h[:32])
    A = nacl.crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(s)

    # S = r + (SHA-512( R | A | M) * s)
    k = hashlib.sha512(R + A + scramble).digest()
    k = nacl.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(k)
    ks = nacl.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_mul(k, s)
    S = nacl.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add(ks, r)

    return R + S

How to use auth_ed25519 in PyMySQL clients

Before using auth_ed25519 in PyMySQL, a user in the DB must be configured to require authentication via the auth_ed25519 plugin:

# mysql -u root -h $(hostname) -e 'CREATE USER foo IDENTIFIED VIA ed25519 USING PASSWORD("bar");'
# mysql -u root -h $(hostname) -e 'select user,host,password,authentication_string,plugin from mysql.user where user = "foo";' 
| User | Host | Password | authentication_string | plugin  |
| foo  | %    |          | <HASH_REDACTED>       | ed25519 |

The best part of using auth_ed25519 is that it is totally transparent for PyMySQL, or any higher-level module that depends on it (for example the well known ORM SQLAlchemy). The connection arguments are the same whether the user is configured to use auth_ed25519, the default mysql_native_password, or anything else. As long as it is supported by PyMySQL, the right handler will be used by PyMySQL at runtime to authenticate with the server:

>>> import pymysql
>>> connection=pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='foo', password='bar')
>>> connection.cursor().execute("select 1")

As seen in this example, only the PyMySQL client knows the real password. MariaDB never store it in the database, it only stores a base64 representation of the public key derived from the password.


Starting PyMySQL 0.10.0, you can connect to MariaDB with users that have been configured to authenticate via auth_ed25519. This new authentication plugin drops the use of SHA-1 for a more secure and more future-proof server authentication.

Connecting to the database with auth_ed25519 is transparent for clients: you don't need any code change in the client, and you don't need to distribute any cryptographic keys to the client. As such, it's a nice improvement over the other secure alternative sha256_password. The only impact of using auth_ed25519 is that Specific SQL commands must be used to enable auth_ed25519 on a per-user basis. This can in general be delegated to a generic component such as puppet-mysql, as it is currently done in OpenStack. But that is a story for another day.

PyMySQL 0.10.0 is now available in PyPI and at least in Fedora Rawhide and Arch Linux, so it's the right time to try it out.
